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This page lists all html elements included in the HTML 4.0 specification. Selecting on the element names in the leftmost column will load a brief description, example and list of widely supported attributes† for each of the listed elements

<address>Address Element(NN4,IE4)
<applet>Applet. Use <object> instead(NN2,IE3)
<area>Area Inside An Image Map(NN3,IE3)
<b>Bold Text(NN3,IE3)
<base>Base Url For All The Links In A Page(NN3,IE3)
<basefont>Base Font *(NN3,IE3)
<bdo>Direction Of Text Display(NN6.2,IE5)
<big>Big Text(NN3,IE3)
<blockquote>Long Quotation(NN3,IE3)
<body>Body Element(NN3,IE3)
<br>Inserts A Single Line Break(NN3,IE3)
<button>Push Button(NN6.2,IE4)
<caption>Table Caption(NN3,IE3)
<center>Centered Text *(NN3,IE3)
<code>Computer Code Text(NN3,IE3)
<col>Attributes For Table Columns (IE3)
<colgroup>Groups Of Table Columns(IE3)
<dd>Definition Description(NN3,IE3)
<del>Deleted Text(NN6.2,IE4)
<dir>Directory List *(NN3,IE3)
<div>Section In A Document(NN3,IE3)
<dfn>Definition Term(IE3)
<dl>Definition List(NN3,IE3)
<dt>Definition Term(NN3,IE3)
<em>Emphasized Text (NN3,IE3)
<font>Font Face, Size, And Color Of Text *(NN3,IE3)
<form>Form (NN3,IE3)
<frame>Sub Window (A Frame)(NN3,IE3)
<frameset>Set Of Frames(NN3,IE3)
<h1>Heading 1(NN3,IE3)
<h2>Heading 2(NN3,IE3)
<h3>Heading 3(NN3,IE3)
<h4>Heading 4(NN3,IE3)
<h5>Heading 5(NN3,IE3)
<h6>Heading 6(NN3,IE3)
<head>Document Head(NN3,IE3)
<hr>Horizontal Rule(NN3,IE3)
<html>Html Document(NN3,IE3)
<i>Italic Text(NN3,IE3)
<iframe>Inline Sub Window (Frame)(NN6,IE4)
<input>Input Field(NN3,IE3)
<ins>Inserted Text(NN6.2,IE4)
<isindex>Single-Line Input Field. Use <input> *(NN3,IE3)
<kbd>Keyboard Text(NN3,IE3)
<label>Label For A Form Control(NN6.2,IE4)
<legend>Title In A Fieldset(NN6.2,IE4)
<li>List Item(NN3,IE3)
<link>Resource Reference(NN4,IE3)
<map>Image Map (NN3,IE3)
<menu>Menu List *(NN3,IE3)
<meta>Meta Information(NN3,IE3)
<noframes>Noframe Section(NN3,IE3)
<noscript>Noscript Section(NN3,IE3)
<object>Embedded Object(IE3)
<ol>Ordered List(NN3,IE3)
<optgroup>Option Group(NN6,IE6)
<option>Select Object Option(NN3,IE3)
<param>Parameter For An Object(NN3,IE3)
<pre>Preformatted Text(NN3,IE3)
<q>Short Quotation(NN6.2,)
<s>Strikethrough Text *(NN3,IE3)
<samp>Sample Computer Code(NN3,IE3)
<select>Selectable List(NN3,IE3)
<small>Small Text(NN3,IE3)
<span>Section In A Document(NN4,IE3)
<strike>Strikethrough Text *(NN3,IE3)
<strong>Strong Text(NN3,IE3)
<style>Style Definition(NN4,IE3)
<sub>Subscripted Text(NN3,IE3)
<sup>Superscripted Text(NN3,IE3)
<tbody>Table Body(IE4)
<td>Table Cell(NN3,IE3)
<textarea>Text Area(NN3,IE3)
<tfoot>Table Footer(IE4)
<th>Table Header(NN3,IE3)
<thead>Table Header(IE4)
<title>Document Title(NN3,IE3)
<tr>Table Row(NN3,IE3)
<tt>Teletype Text(NN3,IE3)
<u>Underlined Text *(NN3,IE3)
<ul>Unordered List(NN3,IE3)
<xmp>Preformatted Text. Use <pre> *(NN3,IE3)

†Includes certain widely supported attributes that are not in fact included in the official W3C 4.0 specification.



Text & Design By Tony Pisarra
© SophiaKnows 2003