JAVASCRIPT CALENDAR Rev 2: December 2004
The calendar's automated CSS markup means designers can swap typeface, sizes, background and colors as well as resizing the calendar from 600 to 800 or 150 pixels width by changing just a handful of style statements.
date_range = new Array("31" "28" "31" "30" "31" "30" "31" "30" "30" "31" "30" "31"); month_string = new Array("Jan" "Feb" "Mar" "Apr" "May" "Jun" "Jul" "Aug" "Sep" "Oct" "Nov" "Dec") days = new Array("S","M","T","W","T","F","S") today = new Date() this_year = today.getFullYear() now=today.getSeconds(); function set_calendar() {'1'); if(dateQuery) { dateQueryArray=dateQuery.split('.') theQueryYear=dateQueryArray[0];theQueryMonth=dateQueryArray[1]; } else {theQueryYear=this_year;theQueryMonth=today.getMonth();} return write_calendar(theQueryYear,theQueryMonth) } function write_calendar(Y,M) { if (Y % 4 == 0) { date_range[1] = 29 } the_max= parseInt(date_range[M])+1; the_first_date=eval("new Date("+Y+","+M+",1)"); the_first_day = the_first_date.getDay(); endpoint=((the_first_day>5)?43:36); if(the_first_day>4 && the_max>30) {endpoint=43;} calendar=ReturnHeading(Y,M); calendar+="<table id=calendar><tr>"; calendar+=ReturnDayRows(); calendar+="<\/tr><tr>"; for (i=0; i < 7; i++) { if (i < the_first_day ) { calendar+="<td class=dateSquare> <\/td>"; } if (i == the_first_day) { calendar+="<td class=dateSquare>1<\/td>"; if (i!=0 && i % 7 == 0) { calendar+="\n<\/tr>\n<tr>\n"; } if (i == 6) { calendar+="\n<\/tr>\n<tr>\n"; } } } date_count = 2 for (l=the_first_day + 2; l < endpoint; l++) { if (date_count < the_max) { calendar+="<td class=dateSquare>"+ date_count + "<\/td>"; } if (date_count >= the_max) { calendar+="<td class=dateSquare> <\/td>"; } if ( l== 7 || l % 7 == 0) { calendar+="\n<\/tr>\n<tr>\n";} date_count++ } calendar+="<\/tr><\/table><\/div>"; return calendar; } // 1. SUB-ROUTINES: FUNCTIONS function ReturnHeading(y,m) { heading="<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=100%><tr>\n"; heading+="<td width=30% align=center>"; heading+="<a href="+ReturnBackString(y,m)+"class=vcrWhite>3<\/a><\/td>"; heading+="<td width=40% align=center class=SansWhite14>"; heading+=month_string[m].toUpperCase() + " " + y; heading+="<\/td>"; heading+="<td width=30% align=center>"; heading+="<a href="+ReturnNextString(y,m)+" class=vcrWhite>4<\/a><\/td>"; heading+="<\/tr><\/table>\n"; return heading; } // 2. RETURN DAY ROW function ReturnDayRows() { daysrow="<tr>"; for (c=0; c < 7; c++) { daysrow+="<td class=weekdaySquare><b>" + days[c] + "<\/td>"; } daysrow+="<\/tr>"; return daysrow; } // 3. RETURN BACK STRING function ReturnBackString(y,m) { backString="?" + ((m > 0)? m+"."+(m-1) : (m-1)+".11"); return backString; } // 4. RETURN NEXT STRING function ReturnNextString(y,m) { nextString="?" + ((m < 11)? y+"."+(parseInt(m)+1) : (parseInt(y)+1)+".0"); return nextString; }
Text & Design By Tony Pisarra© SophiaKnows 1998-2004