In General: This page demonstrates
parse_form(), a quick and dirty global utility
designed to automatically retrieve and intialize name->value pairs submitted via the QUERY_STRING portion of the document's curent location.
If successful, parse_form() stores the resulting name->value pairs in a global associative array named formdata. Values are thereafter accesible using the standard syntax formdata["name"]:
var user=formdata['user'];
var color=formdata['color'];
parse_form() works with control-name/control-value pairs resulting from a standard html form get method submit -- but cannot access post method data.
parse_form() works equally well with name->value pairs hard coded into e.g. an anchor link href by the designer (or another script):
<a href="example.html?item=9">Next</a>
It can be used to support and help standardize any application that requires passing data from one location to the another, including: search utiltities, contact applications, sequential slideshows, weblogs and more.
In General: parse_form() makes a nice addition to a global.js file.