This file contains quick and dirty subroutines
for tansforming RSS 1-2 archives into display
ready HTML items
The full download includes the basic library, a samle display template as well as an external stylesheet for setting the display attributes of the transformed library.
The core function ReturnXhtml() accepts 1
required parameter ($target) and 3 optional*
parameters ($start,$maxno,$sort).
$target = the URL of the target archive
$start = an integer representing the index of
the first item to be returned in sequence
from the target archive
$maxno = an integer representing the maximum
number of items to returned from the archive
$sort = an integer between 0 and 1 representing
the sort order in which items are to be
returned from the archive where:
0 indicates that items are to be returned in
the default order in which the items are
encountered in the archive; and
1 indicates that items are to be returned in
the reverse of the order in which the items
are encountered in the archive;
* Note that the so called optional parameters must
passed either as null strings or 0 values when not
eitherwise explicitly set E.g.;