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Rev 4: December 2004

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4. JavaScript Comparison Operators:

The JavaScript Comparison Operators allow programmers to test for more subtle conditions than the simple existence of an object (relative equality, inequality, etc.)

==equal to
!=not equal to
<less than
>greater than
>=greater than or equal to
<=less than or equal to

The operators are included in the statement of conditions using the following general syntax

if(value1 operator value2) { [statements];}

The values compared in the test (value1, value2) can be either variables, literal values and/or the result of one or more operations.

if(x operator 1) { [statements];}
if(x operator "one") { [statements];}
if(x operator y) { [statements];}
if(x operator (y-1)) { [statements];}

The examples below demonstrate the behaviors and basic syntax for each of the operators. Note that the examples assume the existence of variable (x) that is assigned a value of 1 (var x=1):

4.1 Equality:

The Equality Operator (x==y) returns true if x is equal to y, else false. In this example the value of x is equal to one (1) so the comparison returns true:

Listing 4.1 Equality
var x = 1;
if(x==1) {document.write("Condition True");
    } else {
        document.write("Condition False");
Condition True

Note that the equality operator is two equal signs (==), and that using a single equal sign will result assigning rather than testing the values compared.

4.2 Inequality:

The Inequality Operator (x != y) returns true if x is not equal to y, else false. In this example the value of x is equal to one (1) so the comparison returns false:

Listing 4.2 Inequality
var x = 1;
if(x!=1) {document.write("Condition True")
    } else {
        document.write("Condition False");
Condition False

4.3 Greater Than:

The Greater Than Operator (x > y) returns true if x is greater than y, else false. In this example the value of x is not greater than one (1) so the comparison returns false:

Listing 4.3 Greater Than
var x = 1;
if(x>1) {document.write("Condition True");
    } else {
        document.write("Condition False");
Condition False

4.4 Greater Than/Equal To:

The Greater Than/Equal To Operator (x >= y) returns true if x is greater than or equal to y, else false. In this example the value of x is not less than but is equal to one (1) so the comparison returns true:

Listing 4.4 Greater Than/Equal To
var x = 1;
if(x>=1) {document.write("Condition True");
    } else {
        document.write("Condition False");
Condition True

4.5 Less Than:

The Less Than Operator (x < y) returns true if x is less than y, else false. In this example the value of x is not less than one (1) so the comparison returns false:

Listing 4.5 Less Than
var x = 1;
if(x<1) {document.write("Condition True");
    } else {
        document.write("Condition False");
Condition False

4.6 Less Than/Equal To:

The Less Than/Equal To Operator (x <= y) returns true if x is less than or equal to y. In this example the value of x is not less than but is equal to one (1) so the comparison returns true:

Listing 4.6 Less Than/Equal To
var x = 1;
if(x<=1) {document.write("Condition True");
    } else {
        document.write("Condition False");
Condition True


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