Searchlite 0.1.1 Bookmarklet
The Searchlite 0.1.1 Bookmarklet adds Searchlite coded keyword hightlighting functionality to your bookmarks menu or favorites tool bar.
The Searchlite Bookmarklet is compatible with most major commercial search engines (including Google, Yahoo, MSN and AOL) and virtually all popular browsers (MSIE, Netscape, Firefox, Safari and more).
Select here: Searchlite v 0.1.1 to learn more about Searchlite's features and technical details.
Searchlite 0.1.1 Bookmarklet requires NN6+, MSIE 5+ or any build of Firefox, Mozilla, Camino or Apple's Safari.
To add the Searchlite 0.1.1 Bookmarklet to your browser's bookmars menu or favorites bar:
- Right/option click here: Searchlite v 0.1.1 Bookmarklet and select add to bookmarks/favorites from the contextual menu; or
- Sustain click here: Searchlite v 0.1.1 Bookmarklet and drag the link onto your favorites bar.
- Local JavaScript Conflicts: Searchlite v 0.1.1 Bookmarklets may interfere with local JavaScripts that include one or more of the searched terms in their source code. Although Searchlite will function normally, its DHTML components may partially overwrite, and thereby disable, local scripts.
- MSIE (Macintosh) Showstopper: Searchlite v 0.1.1 MSIE Bookmarklets expose what appears to be, in part, a memory leak and, in part a bug in the Mac MSIE 5 document.location object.
As a result, following several executions of the Searchlite v 0.1.1 bookmarklet, MSIE 5 (Macintosh) may abruptly quit.
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