Searchlite 0.1.1 User Script
The Searchlite Greasemonkey User Script is a context specific extension that adds coded keyword highlighting to page contents whenever Searchlite determines the file has been accessed from within a list of search engine results.
The Searchlite 0.1.1 User Script is compatible with most major commercial search engines (including Google, Yahoo, MSN and AOL).
Select here: Searchlite v 0.1.1 to learn more about Searchlite's features, details and alternative ports.
Searchlite SSE requires Firefox 1.0 as well as installation of the Greasemoney extension.
With Greasemonkey enabled, users can either:
- Select here: Searchlite 0.1.1 User Script, and while viewing the script select Intall User Script from the Firefox Tools menu; or
- Right/option click here: Searchlite 0.1.1 User Script and select Intall User Script from the contextual menu.
Note that,, and should appear in the Greasemonkey User Script Manager as 'excluded domains'. These settings prevent the script from executing when paging through search results and should not be changed as the ensuing behaviors are at best tedious.
- Local JavaScript Conflicts: Searchlite v 0.1.1 User Scripts may interfere with local JavaScripts that include one or more of the searched terms in their source code. Although Searchlite will function normally in these circumstances, its DHTML components may partially overwrite, and thereby disable, local scripts.
- Page Latency: Because Searchlite v 0.1.1 must wait for the page to fully load, user scripts may exhibit extreme latency when confronted with pages that include verbose HTML markup and/or broken pathnames to embeded objects (images, stylesheets, scripts ...)
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