This special section collects primary materials relating to pre-war intelligence purporting to document alleged Iraqi efforts to obtain uranium from the African nation of Niger in 1999-2000.
The documents below include facsimiles from a larger collection provided by a local reporter to the U.S. Consulate in Rome in 2001 and purporting to memorialize arrangements between Iraq and Niger government officials for the supply of 500 metric tons of yellow cake uranium.
- Memorandum Dated dated July 30 1999: Although dated July of 1999 this document refers in the past tense to proposed arrangements for the supply of uranium supposedly agreed between the governments of Iraq and Niger in June 2000. [.gif] [translation]
- Letter Agreemet Dated July 27 2000 : Purporting to formalize the sale of uranium to Iraq, this letter is both addressed to the president of Niger and signed by the president of Niger (Mamadou Tandja). The document is also suspect in that it is printed on generic government stationary rather than the president's own letterhead. [.gif] [translation]
- Letter Dated October 2000: Addressed to Niger's ambassador to Rome, the letter purports to transmit a copy of document memorializing the terms of the alleged agreement. Printed on letterhead from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, the letter, bares the signature of Allele Habibou a man who has not been Niger's foreign minister since 1989. [.gif] [translation]
- CIA Pulications: Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments: Niger, Directory of world government office holders listing Niger's president and cabinet level ministers (including the foreign minister) as of 2001 (at
- CIA World Factbook 2002: Republic of Niger, CIA Publications (Revised: Jan 1 2002)
- Wikipedia Entry: Republic of Niger, Wikipedia, The Free Encylopedia (2002)
- CIA World Factbook 2002: Republic of Senegal, CIA Publications (Revised: Jan 1 2002)
- Wikipedia Entry: Republic of Senegal, Wikipedia, The Free Encylopedia (2002)
- White House Didn't Gain CIA Nod for Claim On Iraqi Strikes, Washington Post (mini-registration required), Sun, Jul 20 2003
- Uranium Claim Was Known for Months to Be Weak, Washington Post (mini-registration required), Sun, Jul 20 2003
- Washington Times Commentator Sees Clinton Hand In Niger Debacle, Washington Times, Sat, Jul 19 2003 Posted: 12:34 EST (1734 GMT)
- Warning in Iraq Report Unread, Washington Post (mini-registration required), Sat, Jul 19 2003
- U.S. Had Uranium Papers Earlier, Washington Post (mini-registration required), Fri, Jul 18 2003
- Bush Retracts Remarks Mischaracterizing Earlier Misstatemens: A Baffled CIA Chief Takes The Fall, Washington Post (mini-registration required), Tues, July 15 2003 Posted: 18:45 EST (2345 GMT)