A semi-professional re-enactor and 39 year old Renaissance Fair Enthusiast, Mr Carol asserts that he stumbled onto both the original "5 or 6" sites as well as the final site revealing the fraud while "Googling for information on ancient weapons." Some of the images in Mr Carol's extensive collection include files named: "brittany_01.jpg" and "brittany_02.jpg". Ms Spear's spells her first name "Britney".
"Well, had I known that, it would have been a tip off right there," Mr Carol observed. "But its not like I really believed they were real," he continued with 20/20 hindsight. "I mean, I know her career has been a little stalled lately, but why would Britney Spears pose for nude publicity shots?"
When it was pointed out to Mr Carol that he had spelled her name correctly in the previous quote and seemed to know an awful lot about Ms Spears, he grew defensive insisting we had just told him how to spell it and demurring that he sometimes reads the tabloids "while in line at the supermarket."