Appalachian Trail Thru-HikeAppalachian Trail Thru-Hike
May 2002 - Nov 2002May 2002 - Nov 2002
Appalachian Trail Journal
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AT MI: 1198.5
MY TOTAL: 193.6
PORT CLINTON, PA. (AT Mi: 1198.5)
Wed, 29 May 2002 04:00:00 GMT
(Daily Mi: 8.6) Hiked into town for my second drop box today. Port Clinton does not have a lot of services. I had some trouble figuring out my lodging and ended up in a nice, quaint and fairly expensive B&B across from the PO. Oddly, I had to register for my not inexpensive room at a motorcycle parts warehouse three blocks away. Got a shower and had lunch at the Port Clinton Hotel (where I should have stayed). Giant portions of good food. I had a steak sandwich and a stack of fries the size of Baltimore.

Met a northbound thru-hiker named the Potato Man. Nice fellow from Maine. He was very excited to have found potato candy at a little shop next door and shared his bounty with all of the hikers at the bar.

After lunch Piper hiked on to a campsite two miles north of town. Spent the afternoon cutting my pack. Ditched my heavy fleece and switched out my North Face shell (2 lbs) for a cheap rain shell (14 oz). It doesn't pretend to breath, but it is light and will keep me dry in a pinch.

Had dinner with Choo Choo, the Potato Man and the Llamas on the porch of the B&B. Later we all shared a bottle of homemade wine with the owner (Hermy).

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