SALISBURY, CONN. (AT Mi: 1482.1)
(Daily Mi: 11.2) Between the heat and mosquitos, I got collectively maybe two hours sleep last night. I was covered from head to to in DEET. And even though it never got much below 90 degrees, I mummied completely into my sleep sack until there was only a tiny blow whole for my mouth. And still they hovered. Some so near my mouth I literally inhaled them.
My bounce box landed in Salisbury and we both needed to resupply, so after a night with no sleep, vicious mosquitoes and creeping fatal crotch rot, I manage to convince the Woodman to follow me into town for a night in a rented room w/shower. Woodman is hardcore and this is a big indulgence for him.
We are packed and out by 6 am and into town before 10 am. Run into the Good Guys just before the roadhead.
Salisbury is kind of preppy posh, and it is a little surprising how nice everyone is to a pair of sweaty hikers. People stop us to talk and want to know how far we have come and when we think we will hit Katahdin.
We take a room with a local woman named Maria who is a friend to hikers. After a shower and quick trip to the local grocery (very nice!) and a stop for gourmet ice cream, Maria gives us a ride to a laundromat the next town over, and we have a huge chinese dinner across the street while waiting for the dryers.
The Good Guys happen to be in the restaurant and buy us a round. Maria picks us up at about 8 pm and we sit up telling her Trails stories and eating fresh baked bread until almost 11.